Friday, October 1, 2010

Who are true friends, anyway?

Just like any normal person, 
I have gone through so many friendships and relationships. 
Even though I have lost so many friendships,
it has shown me who I can trust, who I should trust. 
Even though I have been hurt by too many people, 
I do trust people who just walked in my life. 

Is it wrong?
I don't know; 
but I do know, if they are worth my time,
I did a good thing.

This is just a blog about the people that haven't walked out of my life,
and how much they really mean to me. 
The people that are worth the tears, the fights, and drama.
The loss of friendships that I have learned from,
they obviously weren't worth the rest of my time.

So for you true friends that have always been there for me, 
I thank you, more than anything. 
And I truly love you.

Brooke Reichelt;

This girl and I have been friends since she was the new girl in my 2nd grade class. We've been through such immature fights, that we can't stop laughing about now. We've both grown together to put the past behind us, and we still are great friends. She's always a person I can go to, to get good advice from. She's also a good friend to just listen to me when I just need to vent about stupid meaningless crap. She doesn't judge me, even when we don't see eye to eye on things. She doesn't think I'm stupid for having my own opinion, let alone LETS me have my own opinion unlike other friendships I have gone through. I always have laughs to remember when we hang out, even when we reminisce on the old times. I feel like I can be myself when I hang out or talk to her, I don't feel like I have to be someone else or shut my mouth about certain things. I feel comfortable around her and that's how I should feel around friends. Thank you, Brooke. For always being a friend for me to go to. 

Jennifer Foster;

Jenn has been in my life since I was in diapers; what else can I say! What kind of friend after 19 years is still someone I can talk to? A great friend, that's what. She is definitely one I can go to for anything, and when I say anything I mean absolutely ANY - THING. I have gone to her about boyfriend problems, family problems, school problems, school essays, and the number one topic; friendships. I know that she knows the best about friendships because of how long we have been friends. I wish we would hang out more often, but we do talk regularly. I can always get into deep conversations with her because I feel that she really listens to what I have to say, and she responds. She feels like an older sister when I talk to her, one that I always wanted to talk about with. I thank you, Jen, for always having some sort of answer for everything I needed.

Ryan Richards;

Ryan Joseph Richards.. We met back in sophomore year. I felt like we clicked real well. I almost instantly found out that I could talk to him about everything for hours. I don't think we've ever had an actual fight. We don't see eye to eye on some thing, but what I like about him the most is that he has his opinion and I have mine, and we are still friends. I love hanging out with him, we seem to always see some crazy things happening. He's always been my best guy friend, other than my boyfriend. I can tell him anything and it will be between him and I. We know a lot of secrets about each other that the world doesn't know, and I feel comfortable knowing that only he knows. Whenever I'm not a good mood, he always tries to make me feel better, he doesn't give up. Somehow he always puts a smile on my face, even if I'm feeling really crappy. I thank you, Ryan, for always caring and being fun.

Dylen McClelland;

Dylen...... He can be a little bit to handle at times! But I always have to remind myself, he's a lot younger, so he still has a lot of energy still! Even though he's a little bouncy, (and he looks like Harry Potter!), he is the little bubbly kid in my life that I need. I need that little (too) positive optimistic guy! He's usually always thinking happy and when he is sad, you will know, and think there is something terribly wrong because it takes a lot for him to be actually sad. He's always got my back which I really respect. I thank you Dylen, for never ditching me like others did.

Cameron West;

I know, I picked the most attractive picture for my boyfriend. I absolutely love him more than I could love any body else. He's been my best friend for over six years, and my boyfriend for 2 years and 9 months (as of Sept. 26, 2010). He knows me more than anybody in the world knows, he could write a book just about me. He knows my deepest darkest secrets. He knows exactly what I have gone through. He was the boy who I always loved. Now that we don't have a long distance relationship, our relationship is stronger than ever. I can count on him for almost anything, except for when he's video gaming! I can still talk to him about everything, even though we have talked about everything already. Every day I find a new reason to why I am in love with him. I would do anything for my soul mate, and I truly believe I have met my soul mate. My heart will always belong to him and no one else. I thank you, Cameron, for loving me the way you do. 

So this blog was specially dedicated to these great, wonderful people. 

Where would I be without any of you?
I know I wouldn't be myself where I am today, 
and I am happy with myself, 

Thank you for reading.

Much Love!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ryan and Samie went to a concert!

I had a great, wonderful day!

My friend Ryan and I hung out the majority of the day. 
We saw a crazy thing today! 

We were going to McDonald's and all of a sudden we saw this huge delivery truck drive up on the side walk rolling in grass and hit the bus stop. As I was pulling into McDonald's I looked into the drivers window.. NO DRIVER! We parked and I saw the delivery guy running out to his truck, luckily no one got hurt, but I thought it was funny! Too bad for no picture.

We hung out at the river; this is my friend Ryan.

We just hung there until 6PM rolled around to head out to my brother's concert. He's in a band called "Blood of Rome".

We got there, and it was pretty nice. 
Had to stay in a certain area because it was a bar, and we aren't 21 yet, boohoo.

We look pictures!

This is Ryan, again!

And he took this of me.

My brother's band!

Then went to his house to hang out a bit, I had a lot of fun!

Well, I am very wiped, so off to bed I go!

Much Love!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It's been awhile!

I was reading my last and only post I've put up here and so much as already changed!

I did get accepted into the High School Completion Program at the Community College! I only had two classes to finish in a month, I did it! I am through with the credits, as for the WASL, now called the "HSPE", test, is another story. The WASL is a state test for high schoolers, in Washington State you have to meet the requiments in order to graduate high school. I had taken enough credits of math to block out the math portion, and I has passed the writing portion in sophomore year, as for the reading well... I took it in August, and I have to wait until October for the results. If I pass, I get my high school diploma! If I don't.. well I'm not exactly sure what will happened, but I hope I passed! As for right now I am waiting. Hope October is a good month!

Well, that's my school update I guess!

Much Love!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

First Post Ever

Hello world.

I have always loved reading what others have to say about their lives or thoughts, so I thought I might try it out. I also like to write about random things, just to get it out!

Since this is my first post, you might want to ask; Q: who am I? A: I'm Samie! Short for Samantha. I live in the Pacific North West. I am nineteen years young and trying to move on and renew my life. I am currently still reaching for my diploma, it's taking me awhile, yes. As of right now I am in an Alternative School, which has helped me with getting my credits back. By the end of June I hope to be enrolled with a High School Completion Program at the Community College. After I receive my diploma I will be applying for cosmetology schools for my love of making others beauty shine. I have a love for animals, sunshine, laughter, fashion, true people. I try to be the friend that I want. I have had so many people lie to me, stab me, and hurt me, but I try to trust new people anyway.

Well, I am sure when I get to posting more blogs,
you'll get to see who I actually am inside!

Much Love!

Thanks for reading!